Sunday, March 23, 2014

Why do men cheat?

Most women want to know why men cheat, and some of them feel as if there is one single answer, and that answer is that he is not satisfied. Honestly, some men do cheat because they are not satisfied, but that is not the only reason why men cheat, there is no single answer. 

 One of the reason that men cheat is because they enjoy the thrill of cheating. The excitement that comes along with cheating pushes a lot of men to constantly cheat on their girlfriends. I once was friends with a guy that had the perfect girlfriend, but he cheated on her all of the time. I did my dirt back in the day so I could not judge him, but when I had a good woman I didn't cheat, so I could not understand why was constantly breaking her heart. 

 One day I asked him why do he cheat on her so much, and he looked at me and said that he know that has a good woman, but he was addicted to the thrill of cheating, because of the feeling that he gets when he sneaks around, doing something that is forbidden, such as cheating. A lot of men never stop seeking that thrill until they realize that they are constantly losing good women by making poor choices. Remember this, you CANNOT change a man that think like that, the best thing that you can do is distance yourself from the relationship, because he will not change until he wants to change.

 Another reason why men cheat is because their so called friends influence them to do so. Some men feel as if they can't say no to a woman when they are in a situation where they are around their friends, and they have a woman coming on to them. They might want to say no, but when they have their friends in their ear constantly telling them to go for it, they are going to do that, because they don't want to feel like they are less of a man for saying no, and they also want to impress their friends. These type of men are weak, and easy to influence, so they cheat to protect their image. It sounds childish, but these things do happen.

 Then you have those men that cheat because it gives them a sense of freedom, because deep down inside they are afraid to commit, so cheating gives them the opportunity to have the best of both worlds. They are able to be in a relationship with one woman, but they are also able to do their thing on the side, and this helps them to eliminate the feeling of being tied down. These men will continue to do this until they grow up and overcome their fear of commitment, and realize that being with one woman, and being faithful can be an amazing thing.

 As you can see there is never one specific reason to explain why most men cheat, there can be many reasons. Now, I don't believe in giving second chances even though a lot of women give these cheaters a second chance. Most people that cheat will end up cheating again, especially after being caught and getting a second chance to do it again. This happens because some men see a second chance as a woman being weak and desperate, so he feels like she need him and without him she can't function. Men feel like it doesn't matter how much they cheat because their significant other will never leave them, and she will keep forgiving them; the sad part is that it usually works out like this. 

Take this from a man that used to cheat, and a man that knew a lot of men that cheated, a lot of us do change our ways, but do not expect that man to change his ways while he is with you. This can happen, but there is a stronger chance that he will continue to hurt you until you get fed up and leave him. He might continue to mess up future relationships, until he realize that he must force himself to be faithful and gain some self-control, so that he can finally settle down for good. Believe it or not all men eventually get tired of being a player, but there is nothing that you can do to make him become tired of it.

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