Wednesday, January 1, 2014

F@#K Valentines Day

I believe that the worst times of the year to get in a relationship is the months of January and February. This is the time of the year that people start to prepare for valentines day. I am against valentines day for a lot of reasons. I will explain my reasons in the next few paragraphs. 

I believe that valentines day just like a lot of other American holidays; it is just another holiday used to manipulate people into thinking that they need to buy a bunch of materialistic things that they don't need. Companies make consumers believe that spending all of their money on materialistic things to give to another person will make that person love them more. If you are in a relationship, whether or not you choose to buy your significant other gifts on this day should not dictate whether they will love you more or less. 

I applaud those women that can see how much this holiday is a waste of time. If you have  a good man everyday that you are with him should be like valentines day, because he should always show you how much he loves you. If a person feelings would change because you didn't buy them  gifts for valentines day, you need to ask yourself if their feelings were really as strong as they claimed that they were. 

This is another reason why I am against Valentines day, and this is the reason why I said that you should avoid getting in a relationship around this time of the year. This day makes a lot of single women feel as if they need a valentine because they want the gifts that comes along with celebrating valentines day, and they also don't want to be alone on that day. Men see this as a chance to get sex from the women that they will be showering with gifts. This leads to a lot of men and women getting into relationships because of this day, most of these types of relationships tend to end a few weeks to a couple of months after valentines day is over. Is it really worth it?

This day forces many men to spend money that they don't have buying materialistic stuff to show how much they care. This day forces some females to get into temporary relationships, and  have sex with men just so they can get gifts and have someone to spend valentines day with. This day causes a lot of relationships to end because the woman may not get a gift, or she may not be happy with the gift that she had received and decide to leave her man, and end the relationship. This day is the day where companies get richer off of our ignorance. If you are going to celebrate this day do it without buying gifts, there are many ways to be romantic without wasting your money to prove your love. And I need all women to remember that if you are single do not stress over this day and do not give your body to a man just to have someone to spend this day with, it is not worth it.

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